How Car Insurance Companies Research Accident Claims


Insurance companies do the most they can to avoid paying for insurance claims. The stock of these multi-billion dollar companies loses value when the companies pay for claims, which is why it is important to seek the help of an experienced personal injury attorney at any time you've been injured or property has been damaged in a car accident. To make the most out of your insurance claim, it also helps to be honest yet firm.

Once you have contacted your insurance company about a personal injury or accident claim, your case is assigned to an insurance adjuster. An adjuster's responsibility is to make sure that you are being truthful and are truly deserving of the claim. He will negotiate the claim or settle it with you, the insured. In insurance terms, the word "adjust" refers to settle a claim or assess the loss or damages. The adjuster will do everything in his power to find out what took place when your accident occurred.

What is investigated?

Insurance adjusters have extensive experience finding out facts, so it's important to keep your story straight and tell it like it is. The insurance adjuster assigned to you will first speak with you to understand the events that transpired and led to the personal injury or damages claim. If, at the time of the accident, you spoke with police he will also find the police and accident reports. Accident reports are typically filed with the state's department of motor vehicles. Any photos of the incident will also be considered, and he may even visit the scene of the accident.

The adjuster will also look for any records to prove that you have been injured. They will request medical bills and records and proof of your earnings and property damage to make sure the story adds up. You may be asked to sign a medical release form. Be sure you understand what kind of records he will have access to beforehand. It is best to partner with an attorney who handles personal injury cases. If you do not have an attorney working on your personal injury or accident case, you should seek a free consultation in the New Jersey area. Do not sign a request for the adjuster to access your records otherwise. You do not want an insurance adjuster unnecessarily looking through your entire medical history!

Insurance adjusters will look for any reason to reduce the value of your claim. They will go as far as Google and Facebook to see what really happened at the time of the accident. If, for example, you were injured from a car crash and hurt your knee, but the adjuster finds out through Facebook you were playing a hockey game that same night, it will draw suspicion.

When the investigation is over, it's time to negotiate. Don't risk negotiating if you have no experience doing so with an insurance company, and you have been hurt. Now is the time more than ever that you need your settlement to compensate for your medical bills, lost wages, and property damage. Speak with attorney James Vasquez to work on your personal injury case and get the settlement you deserve. Call (862) 247-8711.